Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Good Tidings

While John and I were in Florida for Christmas we found a little white dog sitting at the end of the road with a long orange extension cord tied around her neck, the cut wires frayed around her little face. She wagged her tail a bit and cowered as we drew near--clearly a mistreated creature. It was so sad and heart wrenching for me to see that cord around her neck and to know that she'd probably been tied up in someone's yard that way for months--mostly because it's always terrible to see an animal abused, but also because it pains me to think of the quality of life a person who would abuse an animal must have--what depravity. What soullessness. It makes the world feel so desolate and cruel. I called the animal shelter and watched the dog until they arrived, watched them put her into the truck, frightened and unwilling, but hopefully saved. It was an ugly spot on my vacation, not to mention an ugly spot on humanity.

However, today, much to my surprise, I received a call from the animal shelter in Florida to let me know that the little white dog was adopted! That was a happy message, indeed. A rescued life. I hope that she is receiving the sweetness and gentleness and love she deserves and that she heals quickly from the memory of abuse. And I also pray for her abuser, angry as his actions make me, that he too would know what it is to be loved and to grace the world with kindness.


laurialigns said...

Oh, that makes me so happy! I am glad someone loves him now.

Rachel said...

I am so happy for your little white dog! This makes me want to go out and adopt something.