Monday, October 6, 2008


Did anyone else notice that Sarah Palin kept saying "mankind" during her debate with Joe Biden the other night? I had a stack of freshly laundered, rolled-up socks at hand and I chunked one at the television screen every time she said it. (I had to clean up my living room after the debate.)

I mean, she's a woman running for vice-president. She, of all people, should know better. The archaic language was worse than the winking.

I don't know which I hate worse: getting a letter addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. John Orzechowski" or hearing a well-educated person refer to the collective human society as mankind.

Read a grammar & usage handbook, for God's sake.


The Deaf Kid said...

You know what, the really sad part about that debate is that I've had more substantive arguments with myself.


P.S. No, I don't believe you have ever called my writing lovely before. Thank you.

Rachel said...

For the record, I preferred the SNL version of the debate. Politicians always serve as the most delightful caricatures.