Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Full-Time April Fool

In lieu of April Fool's Day...A Tribute

I spent the majority of my college years sharing a room with a prankster. I am gullible, absent minded, and slow to learn my lessons. You can imagine how much fun she had with me. My personal favorite (and obviously hers since she pulled it on me numerous times): the elevator prank. We lived on the third floor, and on our lazy days we would take the elevator up. Stephanie would swiftly engage me in conversation, distracting my attention while she pressed the 2nd floor button. The elevator stopped at the 2nd floor, I got out (still talking), and Steph closed the door and continued up to the 3rd floor while laughing her head off. I continued up the stairs shaking my head. I think she even pulled this prank twice in one day.

There were also fake roaches in my bed, the anger management book she gave me for Christmas, a creepy China doll that would appear next to me in bed, my underwear thrown at me in the shower, being locked out of the dorm room, phone calls in foreign accents....and so, so many more.

Oh, the good old days. Today I only got pranked by gmail.


char said...

Haha, the elevator prank, that's great.

Oh, she is quite the card!

Miss you.

The Deaf Kid said...

An anger management book? Quite the wrong person to give it to, eh?